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croquet 0.4.0

Breaking Change

croquet 0.3.1

  • Updated the PCCTC gtsummary theme to place levels and cohort size on separate lines in the headers of gtsummary::tbl_summary(by=). The cohort sizes presented in the header are also now formatted with gtsummary::style_number(). (#23)

croquet 0.3.0

  • Migrated here_data() and all project template functions and data objects to an internal package.

  • Updated project template to work with data saved in SharePoint.

croquet 0.2.1

  • Fix to derived variables label Excel file path in setup template file.

croquet 0.2.0

  • Added a draft of the project template, including new functions create_pcctc_project(), add_project_directory(), use_pcctc_file(), use_pcctc_analysis(), use_pcctc_setup(), use_pcctc_report(), use_pcctc_gitignore().

  • Added functions to select all upper case (all_uppercase()), lower case (all_lowercase()), and columns with label attributes (all_labelled()).

  • Re-exporting the dplyr::select() function.

  • Re-exporting the here::here() function.

croquet 0.1.0

  • Initial release.